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A family reading funny children’s books together.

8 Funny Children’s Books You Need on Your Shelves

When you’re in the mood for a good laugh, these funny children’s books have your back. Collect them all for the deepest belly-jiggling laugh.

Sweet picture books and important messages are great, but sometimes you just want a good laugh. More than being the top characteristic kids look for in their books, research has shown that humor “makes teaching stick,” is empowering and therapeutic, and contributes to children’s development.

These funny children’s books, both board books and picture books, are made to get the whole family laughing.

1. Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby

An exhausted family. A soothing bedtime routine. And a baby that just won’t go to sleep. This board book is too relatable not to be funny. With hilarious illustrations on every page, it’s sure to be a bedtime hit.

2. But First, We Nap

In the same hilarious spirit of Everyone’s Sleepy but the Baby, a rabbit who wants to play and a sloth who wants to sleep get into a bedtime war. Will Rabbit’s antics win, or Sloth’s persistent “But first, we nap”? Either way, you’re in a for a good laugh.

3. Fourteen Animals (That Are Definitely Not an Octopus)

In this funny children’s book, no animal is an octopus. Or are all animals an octopus? With fourteen animals that are vaguely octopus shaped, your kids will have so much fun uncovering all the shapes and animals—which are definitely not octopuses.

4. Flamingo Flamenco

This board book will get everyone laughing—and dancing! With hip hopping hippos and tap dancing tigers, the whole family will find their jungle rhythm, and laughs are sure to follow.

5. The Runaway Shirt

Like Mary Poppins, this fun picture book can turn a chore as boring as laundry into a game. Laugh along as a mother takes a break from folding clothes to catch the “runaway shirt.” Soon, your kids will want to become runaway shirts too.

6. Unicorn (and Horse)

Unicorn is a unicorn. And Horse is, well . . . not. Packed with hilarious illustrations and deadpan wit that Eeyore would be proud of, this picture book can do nothing but make you laugh. It also comes with an important lesson on envy and with pink cupcakes for breakfast.

7. Donuts

Did you ever think that your favorite fat-fried treat could make you laugh so much? From donut cars with donut cops to maple bar lumberjacks and coffee jacuzzis, this romp through a bakeshop of donut puns will have your family in stitches.

8. My Name Is Cool

A blast of cultural fun, this funny children’s book teaches kids to be proud of their heritage—all while giving them a good laugh. With practically a million different names, each wilder and cooler than the last, this book will get kids coming up with new hilarious nicknames and embracing what makes them different.

Shaelyn Topolovec earned a BA in editing and publishing from BYU, worked on several online publications, and joined the Familius family. Shae is currently an editor and copywriter who lives in California’s Central Valley.

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